
An Information Jolt for my Bookshelf

Sometimes I get the urges to tidy the house and stuff. And to complete the bundle: the book obsession is back !!… The last time I had it, I ended up calling some furniture makers, and a bookshelf was created... Later I would discover that I have more books than bookshelf space... Oh, well! But then I thought, isn't it about time to give an information jolt to this piece of furniture? Ideas started to pop up immediately. Like having each book RFID tagged, so the 'system' would know when books are or aren't in the confines of the bookshelf (or house), when they were borrowed and by whom (are they expected on a certain date?).

But it didn't end there… then came all the deep questioning about the self and who we really, really are… Not really! But, books happen in a context and things happen around us/them that could be a good idea to keep track of:

1. Coming across books. There are a number of situations where books appear, either mentioned (somewhere), or as a concrete shape on our hands. The question is then: How to keep track of that process? (Book Related Talk, shall we say?)

2. Books and Friends. As already said... In every bookshelf there are books either belonging to other people or missing because they are 'spending time' with friends or people we know. How to keep track of that?

3. Ideas with potential to become books. Every once in a while there are things/ideas/thoughts that come to haunt you. How to keep track of that? How to harness that into something that stays? I know not everybody has this sort of failed writer obsessions, but who knows? It could come in handy...

4. Ideas to move forward. Ever wanted to fight for a cause? This could be your chance to keep track of ideas you would like to further develop. Too far fetched??

Now, you may wonder what all this has to do with a bookshelf… Well, I don’t know exactly.

But all this could be connected somehow. My perfect bookshelf would be something like this:
  • Books are a presence felt by the bookshelf. The bookshelf knows what the books it contains are all about. It reminds you of borrowed items. Call it RF-ID or whatever you want...
  • It keeps a blog of ideas referring to your ideas about books, what do they contain (like a four line comment/summary) and what are your connections to them: “This one was given to me by… when we started to …”
  • It knows what ideas are interesting to you and could connect you with books and authors that are embodying those ideas.
  • Open to Amazon suggestions about what to read next?? Hmmm, let me get back to you on that…
I agree. Many of these issues happen when you are not at home in front of your beloved bookshelf... I know... There are devices you already use to go with you... Well, then, they should talk to the Bookshelf... Could anyone tell Furniture Makers?... Please...

(at least give me some credit for sticking to good old books and not mentioning any of the current buzzwords like e-books, GoogleBooks or mobile apps... ha!)

Well, it’s too late and I gotta have some sleep…